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With Eureka, you can get free, personalized advice for your thyroid care in minutes. If you have health insurance, our endocrinologists can action your care.
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Thank you for all the help you’ve given me. It’s so hard to get answers from docs because they're not familiar with all of this. Not their fault but certainly frustrating for me when my life has turned me into the living dead.
Jenna S // Ohio
Example recommendations
Comprehensive Blood Tests
Given your health profile and the observations shared, the first step should be to undergo comprehensive blood tests.

These tests should include a complete thyroid panel (TSH, Free T4, Free T3, Reverse T3, and thyroid antibodies) to closely monitor your hypothyroidism.
Additionally, checking for vitamin D levels, B12, iron, and a complete blood count (CBC) could provide insights into your dry skin and depression symptoms.

Understanding these levels can help tailor your treatment more effectively.
Optimize Thyroxine Dosage
Based on the results of your comprehensive blood tests, there might be a need to adjust your Thyroxine dosage.

Since you're currently on 50 micrograms and still experiencing symptoms of hypothyroidism like dry skin, an adjustment could significantly improve your thyroid function and, consequently, your general health and mood.
It's crucial to do this under close supervision to avoid overcorrection, which could lead to hyperthyroidism.
Structured Exercise Program
Engaging in a structured exercise program could significantly impact your depression and general health.

Exercise is known to improve mood, increase energy levels, and help manage weight, which is particularly important for managing hypothyroidism.
Starting with low-impact activities like walking, swimming, or yoga, and gradually increasing intensity could make this sustainable. Setting specific, achievable goals within this program can also provide a sense of accomplishment, further aiding in reducing depression.
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Serious thyroid care. Where symptoms are real. And your needs, matter.
Eureka's care is personalized to your unique condition and symptoms. Eureka looks at you as a whole, treats your symptoms as real, and does what it takes to improve your health.
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Alison L. swapped her thyroid meds to improve her energy levels.
Beth S. received new protocols to try even though her TSH is normal.
Sydney T. improved her Hashimoto's through a custom thyroid diet plan.
Tisha R. found better ways to manage her subclinical hypothyroidism.